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Angels, Fallen. Another term for demons which refers to the most logical origin of demons, as described in Revelation 12:7-9. They are known as fallen because they rebelled against God and were hurled out of Heaven to earth as a result.
Angels, Holy. The supernatural beings who did not rebel against God, and become fallen angels or demons.
Astrology. The study of the heavenly constellations for the purpose of predicting the future for persons born under a specific sign of the zodiac.
Astronomy. The legitimate science of studying the heavenly bodies.
Channel. The alleged ability of a psychic to communicate with the dead; usually associated with belief in reincarnation; crystals may be used to enhance the process.
Deliverance. The process of helping a person become free of demon possession through prayer for the cleaning power of the Holy Spirit. The on-site helper during deliverance is only a catalyst. The Holy Spirit is the active agent and does all the real work. Evangelical deliverance should not be confused with exorcism, which is a precise liturgical ritual practiced with the sanction of the Roman Catholic Church.
Demon oppression. Sometimes used as another term for severe temptation by Satan. Some evangelicals use this term interchangeably with demon "possession." [The author advises against this confusion. JFC]
Demon possession. The action of a demon taking over the mind and soul of a human who is not being protected by the Holy Spirit. Possession may be intermittent through a demonic time-sharing process which allows a single demon to contaminate many people almost simultaneously. A single instance of demon possession may last no longer than a few seconds, but with devastating results, as in the case of a mass murderer with an automatic weapon. See "Time-sharing."
Demons. Evil supernatural beings who serve Satan and work against humans. The word probably comes from the ancient word "da" which means "the knowing ones."
Devil. A word used in the King James Version to represent either Satan, the primary agent of evil, or an individual demon. See "demon."
Discernment. The ability of persons who are filled with the Holy Spirit to detect the activity of demons based on the presence in victims of the known symptoms of violence, lust, greed, and an unnatural power of persuasion.
Evil spirit. A word used in the King James Version of the Bible to represent an individual demon. See "demon."
God, the Father. The first Person of the Trinity; the chief executive officer of the entire universe. All power, holy and evil, originates with Him.
God, the Holy Spirit. The third Person of the Trinity; when Jesus died and went to Heaven, He sent back His Holy Spirit to serve humans in three ways: (1) help us understand the Bible and what it teaches about God and Jesus Christ; (2) help us do the will of God in our lives; and (3) help us resist the evil power of Satan and his demons.
God, the Son. The second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ. He came to earth so He could die as the supreme sin sacrifice for all humans. He is the Lamb of God.
Gospels. The first four books of the New Testament. The word "gospel" means "good news."
Greed. One of the primary symptoms of demon possession, along with violence, lust, and an unnatural power of persuasion.
Guardian angels. Holy angels in their capacity as the protectors of humans who believe in prayer and pray to God for physical and spiritual protection.
King James Version. The most popular Protestant translation of the Bible; commissioned by King James of England and completed in 1611.
Living Bible. A paraphrase of the King James Version of the Bible by Dr. Kenneth N. Taylor, Tyndale House, Wheaton, IL, Copyright 1971; useful for people who are studying the Bible for the first time.
Luke, the Physician. The author of the third gospel; a recognized authority on Biblical demon possession.
Lust. One of the primary symptoms of demon possession, along with violence, greed, and an unnatural power of persuasion.
NAMBLA: the North American Man/Boy Love Association. NAMBLA (pronounced "NAM-bluh") is an organized group of pedophiles which is dedicated to promoting the normalization and legalization of men having sex with boys. NAMBLA members may be respected members of the community with stature in such fields as education and medicine.
New International Version (NIV), Zondervan Bible Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI, Copyright 1978. This is a scholarly modern language translation from Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and is equally suitable for first-time readers and advanced Bible students.
New Testament. The second major division of the Bible; the first is the Old Testament. In this context, "testament" means covenant or contract. See "sacrifice".
Pedophile. A person who makes sexual involvement with children a compulsive way of life. Photography plays a large role; pictures are taken of children in sexual situations whom they have molested; these pictures are treasured, exchanged with other pedophiles, and often find their way into super-slick child pornography publications. Computer electronic mail bulletin boards are used to facilitate activities. The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a major organization of pedophiles.
Psychic. A person who claims to have supernatural powers do such things as predict the future, solve mysteries, communicate with the dead, or heal the sick. If a person really has this kind of power, it comes from Satan and his demons. This is true even though the intent of such an individual is benign.
Reincarnation. The theory that a soul occupies successive bodies down through the centuries. Psychics use a process called channeling to communicate with persons from other eras.
Resurrection. The Biblical doctrine that we will be raised from the dead with a glorified body when Jesus returns to earth.
Sacrifice. The central theme of God's plan for allowing humans to escape the death penalty for our sins. In the Old Testament, animals died so we wouldn't have to die for our sins. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ died as the Lamb of God and became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
Satan. The major source of evil power in the universe. Satan derives his power from God, who grants it to him on a temporary basis. Ultimately, God will destroy Satan and bring an end to all evil power. See Revelation 20:10.
Spirit guide. A euphemism for demon used by psychics and persons who are involved with such activities as mind control. Persons who use "spirit" guide may not know it's true meaning.
Spiritual Warfare. The constant spiritual battle that rages between God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Angels, on the side of good, and between Satan and his demons on the side of evil. Human beings are in the crossfire and are in danger unless they are shielded by being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Supernatural. Anything which is above the laws of nature. There are only two sources of supernatural power: God and Satan. If a phenomenon is not of God, it is of Satan. There is no "neutral" supernatural power.
Synoptic. The literal meaning is "seeing together". The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are considered to the synoptic Gospels because they report many of the same incidents in the life of Jesus.
Time-sharing. The process whereby a main-frame computer works with many users simultaneously. This book uses the analogy of time-sharing to explain how a fixed number of demons may be able to trouble millions of humans around the world.
Trinity. The three-fold nature of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Unnatural power of persuasion. One of the primary symptoms of demon possession, along with violence, lust, and greed.
Violence. One of the primary symptoms of demon possession, along with lust, greed, and an unnatural power of persuasion.
A Glossary of Evangelical Terms is next.
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